Caleb Bertels
4th Year Architecture
Caleb is the secretary of Tau Sigma Delta Honors Society. Through internships with Cushman & Wakefield and Brya Architecture, he has experience with commercial and residential design. Caleb is the recipient of the University of Arkansas Chancellor’s Scholarship and the Harrison French and Associates Designing with Technology Scholarship. In the fall of 2018, he will also study in Rome.
Victor Iwunwa
5th Year Architecture
Victor is from Nigeria. He transferred from the University of Nebraska Omaha. Through internships with bricks International Concepts Ltd and Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture, He is interested in urban development and mid- to – high rise design. Also, Victor was part of the few students selected for the super-jury sophomore fall semester “commercial office” studio.
Sarah Kardell
4th Year Interior Design
Sarah is an active member of the ASID student chapter and is a part of the mentor program. She has studied abroad in Rome at the University of Arkansas Rome campus. She is the recipient of the Third Year Book Award and is the Teaching Assistant for the third year studio. Sarah is also an Angelo Donghia Scholarship Nominee.
Khai Adderly
4th Year Interior Design
Khai is an active member of the ASID student chapter and has studied abroad at the University of Arkansas Rome Center. She is a member of the Caribbean Student Association and interned in the Bahamas over the summer of 2017. Khai is interested in tourism and hospitality design.
Julia Gairhan
5th Year Architecture
Julia is an Arkansas native. She is a member of the honors college, and upon completion of this semester, she will receive her Bachelor of Architecture with a minor in History of Architecture and Design. Last fall she completed her honors thesis, titled “Still Learning from Las Vegas,” that was a continuation/reexamination of Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, and Steven Izenour’s 1972 seminal book. Julia has spent the last two summers working internships and gaining valuable experience; summer of 2016 was spent working on commercial projects in Fayetteville, AR with Polk Stanley Wilcox Architects, and this past summer she worked in a healthcare design studio with Lionakis in Newport Beach, CA. Currently, she is working as a teaching and research assistant within the Fay Jones School of Architecture+Design.